Vol. 13 No. S1 (2023): Special Issue: Internationalization of Higher Education in Spanish-Speaking Countries

					View Vol. 13 No. S1 (2023): Special Issue: Internationalization of Higher Education in Spanish-Speaking Countries

Spearheaded by distinguished scholars Santiago Castiello Gutiérrez and Elena De Prada Creo, this special issue embarks on a crusade to underscore the growing prominence of the Spanish language, which boasts nearly 500 million native speakers and a promising future, particularly in the United States where the Hispanic population is burgeoning. Recognizing the lack of in-depth research on the experiences of international students in Spanish-speaking countries, this issue serves as a beacon of optimism for the Spanish language, spotlighting diverse facets of the internationalization process of higher education in Spanish-speaking nations. This edition, unprecedented in its use of Spanish as a medium of knowledge dissemination, champions the enhancement of international student experiences and the strategizing of internationalization endeavors in higher education institutions within the Hispanic sphere, signalling a groundbreaking shift in the global academic landscape.

Published: 2023-12-31

Multilingual Articles (Non-English)