Exposed Challenges, Emerging Opportunities


  • Krishna Bista Morgan State University, United States



“This is a critical time for scholars who study international students to reassess our research agenda for the field,” remarked Rose-Redwood and Rose-Redwood (2017) in their guest editorial here two issues ago, “because we simply cannot proceed as if it were business as usual within the current political context” (p. ii). Addressing the rise of anti-immigrant environment in the country more generally, Glass (2017) wrote in the preceding editorial that “[a] staunch acceptance of reality must be buttressed by strongly held values,” enumerating values such as “promoting global engagement and understanding, engaging in civic responsibility beyond local contexts, fostering the appreciation for languages and cultures, and strengthening foreign relations and peacebuilding among nations” (p. ii).

Author Biography

  • Krishna Bista, Morgan State University, United States

    Dr. Krishna Bista is an Associate Professor in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy at Morgan State University School of Education and Urban Studies, Maryland (USA). His research focuses on college student experiences related to classroom participation, perceptions of academic integrity, faculty-student relationships, role of advisors, and cross-cultural teaching and learning strategies in higher education. Previously, Dr. Bista served as the director of Global Education at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, where he was Chase Endowed Professor of Education in the School of Education.  Dr. Bista is founding editor of the Journal of International Students, a quarterly publication in international education. He is also associate editor of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education. He has reviewed serval book projects related to educational research, international and comparative education series for Routledge, Sage, Palgrave MacMillan, and Bloomsbury publications. 




How to Cite

Bista, K. (2018). Exposed Challenges, Emerging Opportunities. Journal of International Students, 8(1), I-III.

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