Touching the Elephant

A Holistic Approach to Understanding International Student Experiences


  • Krishna Bista Morgan State University



international student experience, holistic education


In this editorial essay, the author uses the Indian parable known as The Blind Men and an Elephant to illustrate different perspectives that may frame the international student experience. It discusses the abundance of blinders and high stakes in a growth industry. The editorial illustrates the need to shift perspectives and widen the circle of support and why a holistic approach matters.

Author Biography

  • Krishna Bista, Morgan State University

    Dr. Krishna Bista is an Associate Professor in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy at Morgan State University. His research focuses on college student experiences related to classroom participation, perceptions of academic integrity, faculty-student relationships, role of advisors, and cross-cultural teaching and learning strategies in higher education. Previously, Dr. Bista served as the director of Global Education at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, where he was Chase Endowed Professor of Education in the School of Education.






How to Cite

Bista, K. (2019). Touching the Elephant: A Holistic Approach to Understanding International Student Experiences . Journal of International Students, 9(4), i-v.

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