Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Journal of International Students

					View Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Journal of International Students

This issue features contributions from 53 authors, representing diverse regions such as Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, and Australia. Key topics include the impact of COVID-19 on international students and universities in Canada, culturally responsive social-emotional learning, stress and performance among international and domestic students, and the influence of immigration status on Afro-Caribbean women in STEM. The issue also examines depression among international students, academic vocabulary development, social network formation in Erasmus+ programs, and perceptions of social networks among first-year international students of color. Additionally, it includes insights into the surveillance of international students in the U.S. and offers reviews of books on intercultural competence and the international student experience in Australia.

Learn about the 12(1) cover art, Viva Tree by Bruce Munro, a series of helix type forms suspended from a ceiling plate shaped by four circles interconnecting. Viva Tree takes its name from the Spanish for live or life and expresses the new beginnings and is the artist’s salutation to the future of all who pass through. The words “honor” and “vision” are etched into the prisms, written in the dot and dash language of Morse code.

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Published: 2022-02-15


  • Problematizing the Idea of Curriculum ‘Internationalization’

    Elspeth Jones
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12i1.4592

Research Articles (English)

Book Reviews