Stress, Sleep and Performance in International and Domestic University Students




academic performance, acculturative stress, domestic students, international students, perceived stress, sleep quality


Stress and poor sleep quality are serious and common problems among university students that could have detrimental effects on their academic performance. International students may experience greater difficulty than domestic students because they also need to deal with the challenges associated with moving to a new culture. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between stress (perceived and acculturative), sleep quality, and academic performance by comparing them between international and domestic students. Perceived stress negatively correlates with sleep quality. However, no relationship is found between acculturative stress and sleep quality, between sleep quality and academic performance, and between stress (perceived and acculturative) and academic performance. Differences in perceived stress and sleep quality between international and domestic students are found. Perceived stress is found to be an important factor that requires the university to focus on effective stress management programs that could be useful for achieving better sleep quality.

Author Biographies

  • Corinne Tan Pei Yun, James Cook University, Singapore

    CORINNE TAN, BPsySci (Hons), is a Senior Research Officer in the Singapore Institute for Clinical Science at Agency for Science, Research and Technology.  This paper represents part of the work completed for her honours thesis.  Her research interests are varied but tend to focus on the development of children and youth.  Email:

  • Kenneth Mark Greenwood, James Cook University

    KENNETH GREENWOOD, PhD, is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at James Cook University. His research interests are varied but tend to focus on applications of psychology to health. He supervised this work of Ms Corinne Tan for her honours thesis. Email:


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Tan, C. P. Y., & Greenwood, K. M. (2021). Stress, Sleep and Performance in International and Domestic University Students. Journal of International Students, 12(1), 81-100.