Race and Neoliberalism in the Labour Market Integration of International Student Graduates in Canada


  • Everton Ellis OISE, University of Toronto




International student graduates (student migrants), labour market, racing neoliberalism, Canada


This paper illustrates the mutually constitutive processes of race and neoliberalism in the labour market navigation and integration for Black Caribbean and South/Southeast Asian international student graduates in Canada. The data was gathered from recent international students and key informants in Canada’s immigration policy circle using semi-structured interviews. The paper reveals that international student graduates are constrained to seek out precarious and low-skilled forms of employment and participate in a labour market that profits from cheap, exploitable flexible labour. Participants in areas outside the populous Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area are perceived as contingent workers. The paper concludes on the salience using a non-racial analysis of neoliberalism to interpret the postgraduation employment of international students.

Author Biography

  • Everton Ellis, OISE, University of Toronto

    Everton Ellis is a recent doctoral graduate of OISE, University of Toronto. Ellis has research expertise in the areas of Canadian immigration policy, anti-racism/anti-Black racism, international student graduates, labour market outcomes, comparative and international education, educational leadership/policy, equity and qualitative research methods. Ellis holds a PhD in Higher Education and Collaborative Specializations in Comparative, International and Development Education and Workplace Learning and Social Change.


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How to Cite

Race and Neoliberalism in the Labour Market Integration of International Student Graduates in Canada. (2023). Journal of International Students, 13(3), 342-361. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v13i2.4038