International Students’ Suggestions for What Universities Can Do to Better Support Their Mental Wellbeing




international students, wellbeing, higher education, mental health, support, Australia


This article aims to expand understanding of how to support international students’ mental wellbeing in Australian higher education. It presents findings from a study which explored international students’ own suggestions for how universities could improve their wellbeing. Qualitative responses were analyzed from 601 international students at one large, metropolitan university in Australia. Findings emphasize the relationship between course experience and student wellbeing and suggest that universities could improve international students’ wellbeing by focusing on improving their learning experiences and fostering a sense of belonging.

Author Biographies

  • Samantha Marangell, University of Melbourne

    SAMANTHA MARANGELL, PhD, is a Lecturer at the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at The University of Melbourne in Australia. Her major research interests comprise the student experience, university internationalization, and wellbeing. Email:  

  • Chi Baik, The University of Melbourne

    CHI BAIK, DEd, is a Professor in higher education at the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at The University of Melbourne in Australia. Her broad research interests center on the quality of the student experience and factors affecting the educational experiences and outcomes of students from diverse backgrounds. Email:


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Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

International Students’ Suggestions for What Universities Can Do to Better Support Their Mental Wellbeing. (2022). Journal of International Students, 12(4), 933-954.

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