Developing a Host Culture for International Students: What Does It Take?


  • Samantha Marangell University of Melbourne
  • Sophie Arkoudis University of Melbourne
  • Chi Baik University of Melbourne



community engagement, higher education, international students, internationalization, social integration, student experience


This article argues that international student integration is not only a university issue, but a community one. Thus, the next step for universities’ internationalization strategies requires expanding efforts to include engagement with the greater community and bringing a community-based approach to internationalization processes. Doing so will both better serve the international student population and also create a more well-rounded internationalized university experience for all students by acknowledging and harnessing the inherent diversity of the local community. In particular, this article discusses the university’s role in facilitating such a community-based approach. It will then examine possible strategies and practical suggestions for how universities can step beyond campus-specific policies and instead foster student engagement with and within the greater local community.

Author Biographies

  • Samantha Marangell, University of Melbourne

    SAMANTHA MARANGELL, EdM, MA, is a doctoral candidate at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne, under the supervision of Professor Sophie Arkoudis and Dr. Chi Baik. Her research focuses on the relationship between international and domestic students and their expectations of internationalized institutions of higher education.

  • Sophie Arkoudis, University of Melbourne

    SOPHIE ARKOUDIS, PhD, is a Professor in the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne. Her major research interests lie in internationalization, English language standards in higher education, the student experience, and quality of teaching and learning.

  • Chi Baik, University of Melbourne

    CHI BAIK, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne. Her major research interests lie in curriculum design, internationalization, the quality of university teaching, and the student experience. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Marangell, S., Arkoudis, S., & Baik, C. (2018). Developing a Host Culture for International Students: What Does It Take?. Journal of International Students, 8(3), 1440–1458.