Digital Journeys: A Perspective on Understanding the Digital Experiences of International Students


  • Shanton Chang The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Catherine Gomes RMIT University, Australia



digital journey, digital environment, information-seeking behavior, social media


The authors in this conceptual paper draw on the literature on information seeking behavior, social media use, and international student experiences to propose Digital Journeys as a framework which helps us understand the online behavior of international students. Here we theorize that the Digital Journey is the transition that individuals make online from relying on one digital bundle of information sources to a new bundle. This “new” digital bundle possibly can base in the new host country or internationally. We furthermore suggest that Digital Journeys is not only an under investigated phenomenon but a thoroughly necessary space to examine in order to improve the ways in which we present information to international students.

Author Biographies

  • Shanton Chang, The University of Melbourne, Australia

    SHANTON CHANG, PhD, is an associate professor in Information Systems at The University of Melbourne. His research areas include online behavior, information needs, and social media, within the contexts of health, education and business. 

  • Catherine Gomes, RMIT University, Australia

    CATHERINE GOMES, PhD, is a senior lecture in Media and Communication. Her research interests include migration and mobility, identity, and ethnic and cultural diversity. 




How to Cite

Chang, S., & Gomes, C. (2017). Digital Journeys: A Perspective on Understanding the Digital Experiences of International Students. Journal of International Students, 7(2), 347-466.