Who Spends Too Much Time Online?

Associated Factors of Internet Addiction Among International College Students in the United States





academic performance, English proficiency, international students, Internet addiction, mental health


This study investigated the relation between Internet addiction and several associated factors (mental health, academic performance, socioeconomic status, self-esteem, demographic characteristics) for international students in the United States. One hundred and fifty-seven international students at a U.S. university completed five questionnaires: an Internet usage behavior questionnaire, an Internet addiction scale, a self-esteem inventory, a mental health inventory, and a demographic questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS to examine the relation between Internet addiction and associated factors. The results indicated that male students who speak English as a second language and who are not religious are more likely to develop Internet addiction. Academic performance and socioeconomic status were found to be positive predictors of Internet addiction, and mental health and self-esteem were found to be negative predictors of Internet addiction. The relations between other associated factors were also examined.

Author Biographies

  • Katie Koo, Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA

    Katie Koo, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Higher Education at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Her research focuses on diversity issues in higher education and underrepresented students’ mental health and psychological well-being. She is interested in marginalized students’ collegiate experiences and mental health issues, and international students’ adjustment and well-being.

  • Gudrun Nyunt, Northern Illinois University, USA

    Gudrun Nyunt, PhD, is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Higher Education at Northern Illinois University. Her research interests revolves around educational practices that foster the development of intercultural maturity and prepare students for active engagement in a global society. In addition, she engages in research that strives to better understand the experiences of international, underrepresented minority, and women graduate students, faculty, and student affairs staff at U.S. higher education institutions

  • Boshi Wang, Northern Arizona University, USA

    Boshi Wang MA, is a Senior Academic Advisor at Northern Arizona University, where he advises first year and major-exploratory students. Prior to this position, he worked at Center for International Education at NAU. His research interests include the mental health of international students, quantitative studies, and student development theories. theories.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Koo, K., Nyunt, G., & Wang, B. (2021). Who Spends Too Much Time Online? : Associated Factors of Internet Addiction Among International College Students in the United States. Journal of International Students, 11(1), 122-143. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v11i1.2063