Vol. 12 No. S2 (2022): Special Issue on Lived Experiences in an Era of Unprecedented Uncertainty and Challenges: New Voices from Intersectional Identities

					View Vol. 12 No. S2 (2022): Special Issue on Lived Experiences in an Era of Unprecedented Uncertainty and Challenges: New Voices from Intersectional Identities

In this special issue, Lived Experiences in an Era of Unprecedented Uncertainty and Challenges: New Voices from Intersectional Identities, co-editors Charles Mathies and Katie Koo explore the intersectionality of the identities of international students as they deal with occurrences of discrimination and marginalization.

As the title of this special edition issue suggests, these past few years have been challenging to say the least. The crossroads are not only a metaphor for the tough decisions that were made, but they also represent intersectionality and crossing paths with others who overcame their own bumps in the road. By combining illustrative and photographic elements to emulate a collage-like design, Emilie Jacob alludes to the international students who have had to “cut and paste” themselves into an entirely new environment during these trying times. Many scholars had to adjust to this era of uncertainty and reroute their directions along the way, but their educational destinations remained the same. The artist, Emilie Jacob's design philosophy, like Frank Lloyd Wright, stems around the idea of balancing form and function within  artwork. Her goal for this project was to design a cover in which the aesthetic was equally as powerful as the core message behind it. To learn more about Emilie Jacob: https://linktr.ee/emilievjacob

Published: 2022-08-21

Research Articles (English)