Vol. 11 No. 4 (2021): Journal of International Students

This issue showcases research and reflections from 39 authors across the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Finland, Portugal, Ireland, and the United States. Topics include mental wellness among Korean graduate students, intercultural experiences in Northern Ireland, stress regulation strategies in Ireland, and the role of graduation in student migration in Finland. Articles also explore the challenges faced by African PhD students in Portugal, agency in academic reading for international students, and the intersectional experiences of international teaching assistants.
Listen to the featured poem, F-1 Visa, read a book review on Virtual Internationalization in Higher Education, reflect on Unsilencing the Migratory Grief of International Students, and more!
NEW! The 11(4) issue is published in XML, which allows Google to translate any article into 108 different languages! Use Google Chrome + Google Translate Chrome Extension, click 'Read Online', and try it out!
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