Cultural intelligence, Age and Prior Travel Experience as Predictors of Acculturative Stress and Depression among International Students Studying in China


  • Werede Tareke Gebregergis Central China Normal University
  • Fei Huang Central China Normal University
  • Jiangzhong Hong Central China Normal University



acculturative stress, cultural intelligence, depression, international students


Mental health problems commonly prevail among international students as a result of acculturative difficulties. In light of this, the studyattempted to determine the role of cultural intelligence, age and prior travel experience on acculturative stress and depression and also whether acculturative stress mediatedthe cultural intelligence-depression relationship. 506international university students studying in China completeda battery of tests assessing their cultural intelligence, acculturative stress and depression. Cultural intelligence showed significantly negativecorrelationswith both acculturative stress and depression.  Students’ prior travel experiences and age also significantlycorrelated withboth acculturative stress and depression. Acculturative stress mediated the relationship between cultural intelligence and depression. Implication, limitations and future study directions were discussed as well.

Author Biographies

  • Werede Tareke Gebregergis, Central China Normal University

    WEREDE TAREKE GEBREGERGIS is an assistant lecturer in the department of psychology, college of education, Eritrean Institute of Technology. Currently, he is pursuing his master degree in Applied Psychology in Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China. His research interests include cross-cultural studies, motivation, social and personality psychology, international students’ adjustment issues, mental health issues and educational studies

  • Fei Huang, Central China Normal University

    HUANG FEI is an Assistant Professor of psychology in the school of psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China. His research interest is social and personality psychology.

  • Jiangzhong Hong, Central China Normal University

    JIANZHONG HONG is a professor of psychology in the school of psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China. His research interest include cross-cultural studies and applied psychology.


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Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

Gebregergis, W. T., Huang, F., & Hong, J. (2019). Cultural intelligence, Age and Prior Travel Experience as Predictors of Acculturative Stress and Depression among International Students Studying in China. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 511-534.