The experience of Arab international students in universities in the UK




Arab students, international students, university experience, student challenges, language barrier


Many UK universities are actively working to attract more international students, including those from Arab countries. Due to the differences in languages, religious beliefs, and social priorities between Arab and British societies, Arab students have faced various challenges here. This review examines the experiences of Arab students, focusing on their expectations, challenges, and interventions implemented by universities. Prior to enrolment, they anticipate gaining cutting-edge knowledge, improving English proficiency, career advancements, and a supportive academic environment. However, upon arrival, they encountered language barriers and financial strain, as well as cultural differences, accommodation and supervision difficulties, affecting their personal wellbeing. Despite these challenges, interventions such as financial aid, accommodation support, cultural events, and language initiatives have enhanced their experiences. Active supervision and mentoring further contribute to their study success. Ultimately, this review addresses the challenges and suggests the implementation of successful supportive measures to enable Arab students to thrive in the UK.

Author Biographies

  • Yousif Abdulazeez, Swansea University Medical School
    YOUSIF ABDULAZEEZ, MSc, is a former international student from Iraq in MSc in Nanomedicine in Swansea University Medical School, United Kingdom. He is currently working as a R&D Engineer at Corryn Biotechnologies, United Kingdom. His major research interests lie in the area of international student experience and nanomedicine
  • Irene Reppa, Swansea University School of Psychology
    IRENE REPPA, PhD, is the Internationalisation Lead of the School of Psychology and a Senior Lecturer in Psychology in Swansea University, United Kingdom. Her major research interests lie in the area of international student recruitment and experience, transnational education, EDI in higher education, and cognitive psychology
  • Zi Hong Mok, Swansea University Medical School
    ZI HONG MOK, PhD, is the Medical School Internationalisation Lead and a Lecturer in Pharmacy in Swansea University Medical School, United Kingdom. His major research interests lie in the area of international student recruitment and experience, transnational education, EDI in higher education, and pharmaceutical science.


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How to Cite

Abdulazeez, Y., Reppa, I., & Mok, Z. H. (2025). The experience of Arab international students in universities in the UK. Journal of International Students, 15(3), 227-242.