“I feel safe when I listen to Korean music!”

Musical engagement and subjective well-being amongst Korean international students in the UK


  • Hyunah Cho University of Leeds, United Kingdom




Korean international students, international students, wellbeing, subjective wellbeing, musical engagement


By addressing the research question, "How do Korean international students engage in music for their own well-being in the UK?", this study aims to understand a group of international students' experiences of their temporary migrant status and the coping mechanisms they employ in the pursuit of subjective well-being in response to these experiences. After semi-structured interviews, the thematic analysis resulted in five themes: (1) music as a tongbanja 동반자 (companion), (2) music as a safe konggan 공간 (space), (3) music for relationships, (4) music for emotion, and (5) musical demands of international students. This lead to discussions of music as: 'being' a companion and safe space, and 'doing' in relationships and moods, including doing K-pop for ‘re-membering’. Therefore, this study adds depth to understandings of how Korean international students in the UK engage with music to address the challenges they face and, thus, enhance their subjective well-being.

Author Biography

  • Hyunah Cho, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

    HYUNAH CHO, PhD, is a Lecturer in the School of Music at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Her research interest is in an inclusive understanding of people’s therapeutic experiences within various cultures. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hyunah-cho/ Email: h.cho@leeds.ac.uk






Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

Cho, H. (2024). “I feel safe when I listen to Korean music!”: Musical engagement and subjective well-being amongst Korean international students in the UK. Journal of International Students, 14(4), 760-780. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v14i4.6528