International Students and Generative Artificial Intelligence

A Cross-Cultural Exploration of HE Academic Integrity Policy




international students, generative artificial intelligence, academic integrity, policy analysis, higher education


An exploratory analysis of tertiary education GenAI academic integrity policies has been undertaken, to examine provision for international students, having been identified as vulnerable to bias and integrity challenges associated with these technologies. A qualitative document analysis of 131 HE institutions (HEI) policies across 11 countries reveals mostly scant consideration of international students' needs, with the majority lacking any explicit provision. A subsequent SWOT analysis of exceptions to this generally indicates strengths in acknowledging diverse learner assumptions but weaknesses regarding specificity in articulating tailored expectations and support. These novel findings suggest international students have been largely overlooked by HEIs here despite generally significant economic contributions, reflecting the tenets of the commodification of HE. Results also highlight an urgent need to address gaps by incorporating international student voices in policy development,. Not addressing these issues risks exacerbating frictions, undermining academic integrity, and further disadvantaging this group in policy responses to GenAI.

Author Biographies

  • Peter Bannister, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

    PETER BANNISTER, MSc, is a Pre-Doctoral Fellow in the Doctoral School of Universidad Internacional de La Rioja in Spain. His major research interests lie in generative artificial intelligence (AI) and teaching, learning, and assessment in (EMI) HE. English for Academic Purposes and TNE partnerships. Email:

  • Elena Alcalde Peñalver, Universidad de Alcalá

    DR ELENA ALCALDE PEÑALVER, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Modern Philology and Vice-Dean of International Mobility of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature Universidad de Alcalá in Spain. Her major research interests lie in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), legal and financial translation, and pedagogical innovation in international HE contexts. Email:

  • Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    DR ALEXANDRA SANTMARÍA URBIETA, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Translation and Interpretation Sciences at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja in Spain. Her major research interests lie in the application of generative AI technologies to English as a foreign language HE, gamification, and technology-enhanced pedagogies. Email:






Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

Bannister, P., Alcalde Peñalver, E., & Santamaría Urbieta, A. (2024). International Students and Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of HE Academic Integrity Policy. Journal of International Students, 14(3), 149-170.