The Role of College and High School Partnerships for International Student Experiences


  • Tian Qin Texas Tech University
  • Jon McNaughtan Texas Tech University



Brazilian, international students, dual diploma high school program, college experiences, social and academic integrations


The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of international students engaged in partnership programs between their high school and a destination college.  Specifically, this study focuses on the experiences and perceptions of a group of Brazilian international students who graduated from a dual diploma high school program prior to arriving at a four-year research university in the United States to complete their postsecondary education. The study is guided by a conceptual model based in the literature around challenges of international students, Tinto’s (1975) academic and social integration theory, and the four primary types of social interactions (Rose-Redwood & Rose-Redwood, 2013).  We utilize a case study method centered on six interviews which investigated students’ college experiences during their social and academic integration processes.  The findings provide insight into how participation in the dual diploma high school program benefited international students in their college integration.

Author Biographies

  • Tian Qin, Texas Tech University

    TIAN QIN, EdD, is a recent graduate from Texas Tech University in the United States where her research focuses on international partnerships in postsecondary institutions and international student college experiences. She can be reached at

  • Jon McNaughtan, Texas Tech University

    JON MCNAUGHTAN, PhD, is an associate professor at Texas Tech University where his research focuses on two critical areas of higher education. First, he studies leadership in higher education broadly with a focus on how executive leaders (e.g., presidents, deans, directors, etc.) interact with their employees through communication and management practices associated with Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). The primary objective of this line of inquiry is to provide insight to leaders of higher education who often are not afforded any formal leadership training. Second, he studies organizational approaches to encourage student access and engagement. Specifically, this line of inquiry includes projects that focus on the role of institutional striving and the relationship between engagement and curricular activities such as course taking pathways and orientation. The objective of this line of work is to enhance understanding of how to best recruit, retain, and support students from historically marginalized backgrounds. Email:


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How to Cite

The Role of College and High School Partnerships for International Student Experiences . (2023). Journal of International Students, 14(1), 38-57.

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