Quality Evaluation of the Educational Services for International Students during the COVID-19

The Case of Universities in Shaanxi China


  • Wei Zhao
  • Guangrui Wen




international students in China,, quality of educational services,, promotion policy


In this article, we report a survey study involving 582 international students studying at five universities in Shaanxi, China. Adopting a self-developed evaluation questionnaire, the survey explored the participants’ perceptions of educational services provided by their host universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results revealed medium to low levels of the participants’ perceived educational service quality, with the least favorable perceptions to the quality of the “communication with local students and faculty” and effectiveness of “help and support”. The research also found that gender, age, current location, scholarship, and length of the study programs in China significantly affected the participants’ perceptions of Chinese institutions’ educational service quality. Suggestions are proposed to further improve the quality of educational services to better support international students during the pandemic.

Author Biographies

  • Wei Zhao

    WEI ZHAO, PhD, is an associate professor and the Director of Teaching Affairs Department of the School of International Education at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. His research interests include international student education and management, and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. He has published four books and over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles. Email: zhaowwei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

  • Guangrui Wen

    GUANGRUI WEN (corresponding author), PhD, is a Full Professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Dean of the School of International Education at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. His research interests include international student education and management. He has authored two books and over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles. Email: grwen@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


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How to Cite

Zhao, W., & Wen, G. (2022). Quality Evaluation of the Educational Services for International Students during the COVID-19: The Case of Universities in Shaanxi China. Journal of International Students, 12(S1), 30-44. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12iS1.4606