Working Toward Becoming Doctoral Researchers: A Collective Autoethnography of International Students in Australia


  • Yuqi Lin University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Jing Shi Monash University
  • Chenyang Zhang University of Melbourne, Australia



self-formation, international student experience, positioning theory, self-determination, collective autoethnography, postgraduate research


It is well established that international education can profoundly influence a student, including identity and agency formation and the acquisition of knowledge and culture. This study applies the concept of self-formation to reconceptualize the international student experience. It captures the development, changes, and operation of identity and agency during self-formation. Utilizing collective autoethnography, the authentic experiences of three international students studying in Australia during the Covid-19 pandemic were collected. These stories illustrate their transformation from international students to student researchers. Through thematic analysis, three phases have been identified in this study, which are self-exploration, self-positioning, and self-determination and shedding light on the role of agency and hybrid identity. A further scholarly investigation is advocated to enrich the discussion of self-formation and add a nuanced investigation into the variability of individual experiences.

Author Biographies

  • Yuqi Lin, University of Melbourne, Australia

    Yuqi Lin is researching the globalization, internationalization and geographies of higher education, education leadership and policy, and the well-being of international students.

  • Jing Shi, Monash University

    Jing Shi is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Education, Monash University. Her research interests are in the area of sociology of education and include education and career decision-making in vocational education, youth transition, education policy, and the studies of agency and identity.

  • Chenyang Zhang, University of Melbourne, Australia

    Chenyang Zhang graduated from the Faculty of Education, Monash University. Her research interests include the studies of education policy, and English language learning and teaching.


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How to Cite

Working Toward Becoming Doctoral Researchers: A Collective Autoethnography of International Students in Australia. (2022). Journal of International Students, 12(S2), 68-87.