Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing: A Study of International Students in Singapore


  • Oindrila Dutta National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore
  • Stefanie Yen Leng Chye National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore



academic stress, depression, loneliness, international students, psychological wellbeing


We investigated the relationship between psychological wellbeing (as indicated by participants’ level of loneliness, perceived academic stress and depression) and generalized problematic internet use. Data was collected from a sample of 103 international students studying in Singapore. Statistical analyses revealed that depression was the most important predictor of problematic internet use, followed by academic stress. Loneliness was found to mediate the relationship between problematic internet use and depression or academic stress. Implications of the findings for international students in the University context have been discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Oindrila Dutta, National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore

    OINDRILA DUTTA, Master of Arts in Counselling and Guidance, is currently a doctoral candidate in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. She is at present studying grief and bereavement in parents of terminally ill children as well as strategies for addressing such parents’ psycho-social-emotional needs and concerns.

  • Stefanie Yen Leng Chye, National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore

    STEFANIE Y. L. CHYE, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Psychological Studies Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. Her research interests include exploring the role of technology and issues related to cyber-wellness. 




How to Cite

Dutta, O., & Chye, S. Y. L. (2018). Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing: A Study of International Students in Singapore. Journal of International Students, 7(3), 825-840.