Rethinking the Politics of the International Student Experience in the Age of Trump


  • CindyAnn Rose-Redwood University of Victoria, Canada
  • Reuben Rose-Redwood University of Victoria, Canada





We are living in troubling and uncertain times. Xenophobia is on the rise as right-wing, authoritarian nationalism has witnessed significant electoral gains and the very ideals of democratic inclusiveness and international pluralism are under direct attack. With the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the country with the largest share of international students globally is increasingly becoming an unwelcoming place to study abroad. On January 27, 2017, Trump issued an executive order prohibiting entry of citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries
(Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen), and severely restricting the admission of refugees, into the United States. This initial attempt at a “Muslim travel ban” was subsequently blocked by the federal courts, yet the ongoing efforts of the current U.S. administration to discriminate against Muslim travelers at the border have had a chilling effect on international travel more generally

Author Biographies

  • CindyAnn Rose-Redwood, University of Victoria, Canada

    CINDYANN ROSE-REDWOOD, PhD, is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria. Her research examines the social experiences of international students in higher education settings, the social geographies of immigrant communities in North American cities, and the Caribbean IX diaspora. She is currently co-editing a book entitled, International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience (with Reuben RoseRedwood).

  • Reuben Rose-Redwood, University of Victoria, Canada
    REUBEN ROSE-REDWOOD, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria. His research examines the cultural politics of place, critical social theory, and the spatiality of power. He is the editor of Performativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space (2014, with Michael Glass), The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes (2017, with Derek Alderman and Maoz Azaryahu), and is currently co-editing a book entitled, International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience (with
    CindyAnn Rose-Redwood).




How to Cite

Rose-Redwood, C., & Rose-Redwood, R. (2017). Rethinking the Politics of the International Student Experience in the Age of Trump. Journal of International Students, 7(3), I-IX.