Challenges in the Transnational Business Education

Learning and Teaching Perspectives from Australia and Singapore




business, challenges, management, transnational education


Management of learning and teaching in a transnational business education program can be a true challenge for institutions in both home and host countries, especially with leadership and governance. In this article, we seek to define challenges in engaging business students in a transnational education program operating in Singapore and Australia. From the interviews with students and staff, we identified feedback, communication, and transferability as important factors promoting engagement among students in the transnational program. We highlight learning strategies to support ongoing engagement among students in a transnational business education program. The findings suggest that contextualizing the local and international issues is crucial in the management of a transnational business education program if students are to develop global competencies.

Author Biographies

  • Nattavud Pimpa, Mahidol University, Thailand

    NATTAVUD PIMPA, PhD, is an associate professor in the College of Management, Mahidol University (Thailand). His major research interests lie in the area of international business, transnational education, and gender equality.

  • Margaret Heffernan, RMIT University, Australia

    MARGARET HEFFERNAN (AOM), PhD, is a senior lecturer in the School of Management, RMIT University (Australia).


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Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

Pimpa, N., & Heffernan, M. (2020). Challenges in the Transnational Business Education: Learning and Teaching Perspectives from Australia and Singapore. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 226-243.