“Chinese Students Themselves Are Changing”

Why We Need Alternative Perspectives of Chinese International Students





Chinese students, deficit perspectives, international students, longitudinal study, sociocultural context


Given how China has been the top source of international students worldwide, there has been growing media and research interest in Chinese international students. However, much of the narratives tend to focus on their struggles. In this commentary, I draw upon insights from my personal experience as an international student and, consequently, research on Chinese international students to illuminate alternative ways of understanding Chinese internationals and the reasons for why these perspectives around international students are necessary.

Author Biography

  • Tang Tang Heng, National Institute of Education-Nanyang Technological University., Singapore

    TANG T. HENG, EdD, is an Assistant Professor in the Policy, Curriculum, and Leadership Academic Group at National Institute of Education-Nanyang Technological University. Her major research interests lie in the area of international students, international and comparative education, educational borrowing/transfer, and diversity in education.


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Cross-Border Narratives


How to Cite

Heng, T. T. (2020). “Chinese Students Themselves Are Changing”: Why We Need Alternative Perspectives of Chinese International Students. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 539-545. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v10i2.958