International Students’ Perceived Language Competence, Domestic Student Support, and Psychological Well-Being at a U.S. University


  • Zhengda Luo Wake Forest University, USA
  • Siyu Wu Wake Forest University, USA
  • Xuanyu Fang Wake Forest University, USA
  • Nelson Brunsting Wake Forest University, USA



college or university, international students, language competence, psychological well-being, social support, United States


To increase knowledge of international students’ psychological well-being at U.S. universities, we examined the degree to which demographic factors, perceived language competence, and domestic student social support were associated with Ryff’s (1989a, 1989b) six aspects of psychological well-being. Participants (n = 216) were undergraduate and graduate students from one mid-sized private university in the Southeast. Analyses revealed differential psychological well-being scores based on demographics. Perceived language competence and domestic student social support were associated positively with multiple aspects of psychological well-being. The novel findings of this case study provide initial evidence of a potentially useful new approach toward international student adjustment and well-being. The authors provide initial recommendations for researchers, practitioners, and international students.

Author Biographies

  • Zhengda Luo, Wake Forest University, USA

    ZHENGDA LUO is an undergraduate research assistant at the Academic and Cultural Transition Research team at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. His major research interests lie in international students’ wellbeing and social adjustment in U.S. higher education setting.

  • Siyu Wu, Wake Forest University, USA

    SIYU WU is an undergraduate research assistant at the Academic and Cultural Transition Research team at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. Her major research interests lie in international students’ language proficiency and social adjustment as an outcome in the U.S. higher education.

  • Xuanyu Fang, Wake Forest University, USA

    XUANYU FANG is an undergraduate research assistant at the Academic and Cultural Transition Research team at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. His major research interests lie in international students’ acculturation process and psychological wellbeing.

  • Nelson Brunsting, Wake Forest University, USA

    NELSON BRUNSTING, PhD, is the Director of Global Research and Assessment in the Center for Global Programs and Studies at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. His research is focused on understanding the socio-emotional development of diverse populations in educational settings.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Luo, Z., Wu, S., Fang, X., & Brunsting, N. (2019). International Students’ Perceived Language Competence, Domestic Student Support, and Psychological Well-Being at a U.S. University. Journal of International Students, 9(4), 954-971.