Breaking language barriers

The path to linguistic justice and global change


  • Angam Hussein
  • Monica Lakhwani



language barriers, linguistic justice, global change, STEM education


Linguistic justice ensures equitable access to social, economic, and political life for all, regardless of their home language or dialect. It values all languages and challenges systems that marginalize specific linguistic groups. Thus continuing to promote language diversity, inclusivity, and empowering communities through initiatives.

Author Biographies

  • Angam Hussein

    ANGAM HUSSEIN is a learning and development specialist and a fellow with the International Research & Exchanges Board. Her recent scholarship through the U.S.-Jordan Leadership Exchange Program led her to compare areas of justice work between Jordan and the United States. Her focus is on key economic and social development disciplines within programs for diverse, underrepresented communities.  Email:

  • Monica Lakhwani

    MONICA LAKHWANI is a National Diversity Council Certified Diversity Professional (NDCCDP) with years of experience both in education and program development. With over 20 years of experience in cross-cultural exchange and program management, Dr. Lakhwani is a process-thinking Fulbright Scholar dedicated to advancing equity through language support. She strives for equal access and opportunity, highlighting the importance of marginalized communities, culture, and history.  Email:

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How to Cite

Hussein, A., & Lakhwani, M. (2025). Breaking language barriers: The path to linguistic justice and global change. American Journal of STEM Education, 3, 1-vi.