Effects of videos with AI-generated images to provide students with authentic and diverse insights into STEM occupations





STEM Education, Artificial Intelligence, Career Orientation, Extracurricular Activities


Societies around the world are facing a shortage of STEM professionals. In this context, the lack of students' interest in STEM-related fields of study and occupations, especially of underrepresented groups, needs to be addressed. This article reports on the results of an extracurricular STEM intervention with elements of image-generating artificial intelligence (AI) as a career orientation measure. The AI-generated images were edited into videos with auditory explanations, shedding light on various aspects of the work of STEM professionals and aiming to show a diverse picture of people working in STEM occupations. A quantitative pre-post survey with a control group (N=137) showed that the videos had no significant influence on STEM interest (= .374), career-related STEM self-efficacy expectations (= .422), career-related STEM outcome expectations (= .896) and STEM career aspirations (= .780). At the same time, there were indications that the videos had a non-significant beneficial effect.  A more prominent integration of the videos into the lesson context and in a more diverse sample may lead to positive effects of video use in the future.

Author Biographies

  • Max Romanik, Bielefeld University, Germany

    Max Romanik is a research associate at the Osthushenrich Center for Giftedness and Talent Research at the Faculty of Biology (OZHB) at Bielefeld University. 

  • Claas Wegner, Bielefeld University, Germany

    Claas Wegner, Prof. Dr., is a professor of biology didactics at Bielefeld University and head of the Osthushenrich Center for Giftedness and Talent Research at the Faculty of Biology (OZHB)

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How to Cite

Romanik, M., & Wegner, C. (2025). Effects of videos with AI-generated images to provide students with authentic and diverse insights into STEM occupations. American Journal of STEM Education, 5, 15-34. https://doi.org/10.32674/edckb827