How Disruptive Technologies Are Maximizing Efficiency in Community College Apprenticeships




AI, STEM education, apprenticeships, virtual reality, workforce development


This paper examines the AI revolution’s impact on apprenticeship education, focusing on workforce development solutions that target the diverse and underserved populations prevalent in U.S. community colleges. Known for their agility in meeting economic demands, two-year schools are often praised for their rapid deployment of training solutions. The discussion emphasizes the potential of the cognitive apprenticeship model, a "learn and earn" approach, which aligns with modern educational needs and positions community colleges at the forefront of educational reform. We begin by looking at the general topic of AI before moving on to uses and tools, offering some specific examples showing how AI has been used to support the development of apprentice education in the tech industry. We will also address challenges that exist in moving forward. By fostering environments that encourage creativity and adaptability, community colleges can leverage disruptive technologies to drive educational reform and establish themselves as leaders in innovative education for the next century.

Author Biography


    JOYCE MARTIN is a PhD student at Morgan State University.  Her major research interests lie in workforce development, apprenticeship theory, registered apprenticeships in the U.S. 

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How to Cite

How Disruptive Technologies Are Maximizing Efficiency in Community College Apprenticeships. (2024). American Journal of STEM Education, 1.