Enhancing International Education with Generative AI

From Recruitment to Academic and Cultural Support


  • Muddassir Siddiqi


generative AI, STEM education, international students, predictive analystics


This study explores the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to enhance U.S. higher education's competitiveness in attracting international students (over 1 million in 2022-23). By streamlining admissions, personalizing academic support, and fostering cultural integration, GAI can improve student experiences. Automating admissions, offering real-time application guidance, and providing language translation are highlighted as potential applications. Additionally, data-driven recruitment strategies powered by GAI are explored.

Author Biography

  • Muddassir Siddiqi

    Muddassir Siddiqi, EdD, Dr. Siddiqi is the Vice Chancellor of Instructional Innovation & Digital Strategy at Houston Community College System in Houston, Texas. With a distinguished career that includes roles as college president, provost, and dean at some of the nation's most diverse community colleges, Dr. Siddiqi is dedicated to advancing the integration of innovative technology in both curriculum and student services. His passion lies in leveraging these technologies to empower students and facilitate their seamless transition into higher education institutions

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How to Cite

Enhancing International Education with Generative AI: From Recruitment to Academic and Cultural Support . (2024). American Journal of STEM Education, 1. https://ojed.org/STEM/article/view/7030