How can I Write Other? The Pains and Possibilities of Autoethnographic’s Research Writing Experienced by a non-Western Female Student




autoethnography, alternative research writing, English as a second language student, writing as an inquiry, international student


In this paper, I am going to explore an other kind of research writing by sharing my research journey as a PhD female student from a non-Western background experiencing research differently. Starting my study within a standard conventional methodology, I shifted my research to a non-traditional mode of doctoral research writing called autoethnography. I employ writing as a method of inquiry (Richardson & St Pierre, 2005) where I can center my voice, write creatively and move beyond normative, positivist and post-positivist paradigms. Following this autoethnographic path, I experienced struggles and opportunities to endeavor to push my writing beyond the limit in the field of play in a language which is not my first language.

Author Biography

  • Dewi Andriani, The University of Queensland

    Dewi Andriani, PhD, is a lecturer in Indonesian, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, University of New England, Australia. She is also teaching Indonesian at the Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Queensland, Australia. Her research interests lie in the area of autoethnogaraphy, post qualitative and poststructuralism, feminism, and international students. Email:


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How to Cite

How can I Write Other? The Pains and Possibilities of Autoethnographic’s Research Writing Experienced by a non-Western Female Student. (2022). Journal of International Students, 12(S2), 141-157.