Bahamians as International Adult Learners Determined for Academic Success

Challenges and Required Support System




the Bahamas, challenges, international students, nontraditional learner, support systems, transition


The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that impact the experience of Caribbean nontraditional adult learners encounter while pursuing higher education in the United States and perceived support systems needed by Caribbean adult learners to be successful. On this premise, this qualitative study was conducted. A total of 15 Bahamian students participated. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews and analyzed utilizing open coding. The major themes that emerged with regards to influential factors that impacted their experiences were: (a) financial constraints, (b) lack of support, and (c) cultural differences and adaptation. As it relates to support systems needed by Caribbean students, the major themes that emerged were: (a) family, (b) faculty/mentors, and (c) a network of friends.

Author Biographies

  • Yvonne Hunter-Johnson, North Carolina A&T State University, USA

    DR. YVONNE HUNTER-JOHNSON is an Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership Studies and Adult Education from North Carolina A&T State University. Her research interests include adult education, international education, human resource development/management, veterans and military in higher education, and the career transition and employability of veterans.

  • Yuanlu Niu, University of Arkansas, USA

    YUANLU NIU, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource and Workforce Development in the Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders at University of Arkansas. Her major research interests lie in the area of human resource development/ management, adult education, women’s issues, and diversity issues in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Hunter-Johnson, Y., & Niu, Y. (2019). Bahamians as International Adult Learners Determined for Academic Success: Challenges and Required Support System. Journal of International Students, 9(4), 1038-1054.