Who Am I? Reflecting on a Personal Journey of Self-Authorship


  • Laura Vaughn Florida State University




self-authorship, narrative reflection, cultural adjustment, international education, individualism vs. collectivism


This reflective paper shares the experiences of a higher education professional living and working abroad and the long-term impacts of those experiences on their self-authorship journey through reflection ten years later. The story of this reflection focuses on how cultural differences and community ties helped to facilitate growth and self-confidence through navigating the challenges and complexities of living abroad in a culture with differing conventions. The paper concludes by sharing how reflecting on self-authorship during and after international experiences can help develop personal identities both as an individual and within a collective.

Author Biography

  • Laura Vaughn, Florida State University

    LAURA VAUGHN, M.A., M.B.A., (she/her) is a Ph.D. student in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department at Florida State University and works as a graduate assistant with the Leadership Learning Research Center. Her fields of interest are exploring the intersections of international students and leadership along with international student development and engagement. Email: lvaughn3@fsu.edu


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How to Cite

Vaughn, L. (2023). Who Am I? Reflecting on a Personal Journey of Self-Authorship. Journal of International Students, 13(4), 195-201. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v14i2.5276