A Case for Critical Realism in Quest of Interdisciplinarity in Research with International Students


  • Yingling Lou University of Calgary




Interdisciplinarity, Intersectional identities, International students, Critical realism


In response to a lack of theoretical engagement and interdisciplinarity in research with international students, this paper explores the affordances of critical realism and the critical realist theory of interdisciplinarity to the field. In so doing, I purport to offer the field an alternative philosophical paradigm and a theoretical blueprint that enables metatheoretical unity and theoretical pluralism to engage interdisciplinarity.

Author Biography

  • Yingling Lou, University of Calgary

    Yingling Lou is a PhD candidate in Werklund School of Education at University of Calgary in Canada. Her research uses intercultural hermeneutics with an interdisciplinary approach to explore cross-cultural adaptation challenges, power imbalance, and identity negotiation of marginalized adolescents in secondary classrooms.


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How to Cite

Lou, Y. (2022). A Case for Critical Realism in Quest of Interdisciplinarity in Research with International Students. Journal of International Students, 13(4), 140-145. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v13i4.5153