Further Understanding on International Student Mobilities in Asia is Needed


  • Hiep-Hung Pham EdLab Asia Education Research and Development Centre and Phu Xuan University




Asia, student mobility


Despite becoming a growing hub of international students, Asia appears to receive insufficient attention from researchers in the field of international education and student mobilities. This editorial is a call for attention from colleagues in the international education community to prioritize ISM in Asia in their research agendas, including comparative research across countries and regions. It recommends implications for stakeholders and potential avenues for future studies on ISM in Asia.

Author Biography

  • Hiep-Hung Pham, EdLab Asia Education Research and Development Centre and Phu Xuan University

    HIEP-HUNG PHAM, PhD, is the director of Center for Research and Practice on Education at Phu Xuan University. Dr Pham also affiliates with Center for Educational Research and Development EdLab Asia as director of research. Email: phamhunghiep@pxu.edu.vn


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How to Cite

Pham, H.-H. . (2022). Further Understanding on International Student Mobilities in Asia is Needed. Journal of International Students, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12i2.4898