East Asian International Students and Psychological Well-Being: A Systematic Review


  • Jiaqi Li Texas Tech University, United States
  • Yanlin Wang Texas Tech University, United States
  • Feiya Xiao Texas Tech University, United States




psychological well-being, East Asian international students


The present article reports a systematic review of the studies related to psychological well-being among East Asian international students. A total of 18 quantitative studies published in peer-reviewed journals from 2000 to 2011 were reviewed. Our review revealed three major results: (1) a majority of researchers (n=13, 72.2%) tend to choose Chinese international students as a representative of East Asian and Asian international students in their studies; (2) studies on psychological well-being of East Asian international students are closely associated with the following variables: length of stay in host country, English proficiency, attitudes toward seeking help, depression, and acculturation; (3) depression was the most frequently reported variable (n=6,33.3%), followed by acculturation (n=5, 27.8%). Recommendations for further research in psychological well-being were provided.

Author Biographies

  • Jiaqi Li, Texas Tech University, United States

    Dr. Jiaqi Li is Research Assistant in the Counselor Education Program at Texas Tech University. Jiaqi Li received his PhD from Texas Tech University. 

  • Yanlin Wang, Texas Tech University, United States

    Yanlin Wang is a doctoral student in the Educational Curriculum and Instruction at Texas Tech University.

  • Feiya Xiao, Texas Tech University, United States

    Feiya Xiao is a doctoral student in the School Psychology Program at Texas Tech University.






Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

East Asian International Students and Psychological Well-Being: A Systematic Review. (2014). Journal of International Students, 4(4), 301-313. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v4i4.450