Immobility in Mobility during COVID-19

Reflections on ‘Being Stuck’ in the Home Country of an International Doctoral Student




international doctoral education, mobility, immobility, sensemaking, digital mobility


While international education has long been characterised by mobility, the Covid-19 pandemic has shifted our attention to immobility as thousands of international students have experienced immobility in various ways, one of which is being stuck in their home countries.  This paper records how such immobility entailed the feeling of confusion and detachment in an international doctoral student and her efforts to overcome physical immobility by making use of digital mobility. Through the sensemaking framework, this paper not only illuminates the consequences of disrupted mobility on an international doctoral student’s academic learning and sense of belonging but also highlights the student’ agency, which then offers a research area that may yield interesting insights in this unprecedented time of uncertainty.

Author Biography

  • Anh Phan, University of Auckland

    Anh Ngoc Quynh Phan is currently a PhD student at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Her major research interests focus inter alia on transnationalism, migration, mobility, diaspora, identity, doctoral education, teacher education, and researcher development. Anh is familiar with various qualitative methodologies, such as narrative inquiry, critical autoethnography, collaborative autoethnography, and poetic inquiry.


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Cross-Border Narratives


How to Cite

Immobility in Mobility during COVID-19: Reflections on ‘Being Stuck’ in the Home Country of an International Doctoral Student. (2022). Journal of International Students, 13(1), 85-93.