Nonresident Undergraduates’ Performance in English Writing Classes— Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis


  • Allison A. Vaughn San Diego State University, United States
  • Matthew Bergman University of California-San Diego, United States
  • Barry Fass-Holmes University of California-San Diego, United States



academic success, English as a second language, international undergraduates, permanent residents, TOEFL, writing


Do undergraduates whose native language is not English have writing deficiencies leading to academic struggles? The present study showed that the answer to this question was “no” at an American West Coast public university. This university’s nonresident undergraduates on average earned B- to B+ in their colleges’ English intensive-writing programs’ classes, C in community college English classes, and term grade point averages between 2.5 (C+ to B-) and 3.2 (B) in the fall term of the five most recent academic years. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses showed that the predictors with the largest effect sizes were English writing programs and class level; however, each predictor accounted for less than 25% of the total variance.

Author Biographies

  • Allison A. Vaughn, San Diego State University, United States

    ALLISON A. VAUGHN, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychology. Her research interests include social relationships, mental health (anxiety, depression), physical health (cardiovascular functioning), and student achievement. 

  • Matthew Bergman, University of California-San Diego, United States

    MATTHEW BERGMAN is a doctoral candidate in political science. His research interests include comparative institutions, comparative politics, international relations, and student achievement. 

  • Barry Fass-Holmes, University of California-San Diego, United States

    BARRY FASS-HOLMES, PhD, is an analytical studies coordinator. His research focuses on international students’ academic achievement. We thank Lynn C. Anderson, Dulce Amor L. Dorado, and Dr. Kirk Simmons for their helpful suggestions. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Vaughn, A. A., Bergman, M., & Fass-Holmes, B. (2015). Nonresident Undergraduates’ Performance in English Writing Classes— Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis. Journal of International Students, 5(4), 319-333.