A Quantitative Assessment of Japanese Students’ Intercultural Competence Developed Through Study Abroad Programs
factor analysis, institutional arrangement, intercultural competence, international education, Japanese students, study abroad programsAbstract
This study explores the factors of study abroad programs that contribute to cultivating intercultural competence. Through an empirically based quantitative examination of 303 Japanese study abroad students, it attempts to gain an understanding of the factors that enhance the development of intercultural competence. Considering that many previous studies worked with students in English-speaking countries, this study examines whether an investigation of Japanese students would yield similar results, given the different context. The primary findings show that program type, prior local language proficiency, and pre-departure orientation are predicted to have significant impacts on intercultural competence. The findings clearly demonstrate the importance of empirically-based arrangements of study abroad programs based on student and program profiles to enhance students’ intercultural competence.
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