Korean Female Graduate Students’ Experiences in the United States

Recognizing and Addressing Their Challenges


  • Jung Eun Hong University of West Georgia




international students, female students, graduate students, discrimination, model minority, coping strategies, Korean international students


The unique experiences of Korean female graduate students (KFGS) in the United States (US) have not received much attention or been discussed although Korea has been one of the leading countries sending students to the US. By examining literature regarding the experiences of KFGS studying and living in the US, this paper reports their challenges (e.g., racial and gender discrimination, the model minority stereotype, and multiple roles as students and as wives and/or mothers) and ways to respond to those challenges. This paper also urges to conduct more research on lives of KFGS to make them visible and heard in US academia.

Author Biography

  • Jung Eun Hong, University of West Georgia

    Jung Eun Hong is an associate professor in the Department of Natural Sciences at University of West Georgia. Her research interests include geography and GIS education, global understanding and citizenship, diversity in higher education, and qualitative methods.


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Research in Briefs (English)


How to Cite

Hong, J. E. (2021). Korean Female Graduate Students’ Experiences in the United States: Recognizing and Addressing Their Challenges. Journal of International Students, 12(3), 607-612. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12i3.3835