Language Revitalisation in Gaelic Scotland

Linguistic Practice and Ideology


  • Woloyat Tabasum Niroo Old Dominion University, USA



book review


Through their native languages, certain groups of people claim political, social, geographical, and ethnic identity and a legal base for their existence. Colonialism, however, has vanished minority spoken languages in many parts of the world. Additionally, despite claims of a “global village,” the advent of internationalization has further isolated indigenous languages in some parts of the world. Revitalizing and preventing those languages from dwindling from their spoken communities is crucial for scholars of linguistics, sociology, cultural studies, and education. Dunmore, in the book Language Revitalisation in Gaelic Scotland: Linguistic Practice and Ideology, offers profound perspectives on preventing the potential loss of Gaelic language in Scotland drawing from empirical research.

Author Biography

  • Woloyat Tabasum Niroo, Old Dominion University, USA

    Wolayat Tabasum Niroo is a doctoral candidate in the higher education program at Old Dominion University. Her research scope is broadly higher education and women's and gender studies using a sociology- anthropology lens. Specifically, she focuses on developing countries' higher education with an emphasis on Afghanistan as case study. Her dissertation is about the quality assurance and accreditation policy in Afghanistan’s higher education system.




How to Cite

Tabasum Niroo, W. (2021). Language Revitalisation in Gaelic Scotland: Linguistic Practice and Ideology. Journal of International Students, 11(3), 765-767.