Understanding Black-African International Students’ Experiences in United States Colleges and Universities Through Social Identity Theory


  • Diana Carole Awuor Sam Houston State University, USA




Black-African international students, race, social identity theory


In this Research in Brief, Tajfel’s (1970) social identity theory is explained and examined as potentially useful for analyzing the experiences of Black-African international students in U. S. colleges and universities. Race has been and still is a major issue in the United States. Through a review of literature, I sought to find out how Black-African international students’ race affected their experiences in the United States.

Author Biography

  • Diana Carole Awuor, Sam Houston State University, USA

    DIANA AWUOR, MA, is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Educational Leadership at Sam Houston State University. Her major research interests lie in the areas of international education, Black-African international students, diversity, multilingualism in education and multiculturalism.


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Research in Briefs (English)


How to Cite

Awuor, D. C. (2020). Understanding Black-African International Students’ Experiences in United States Colleges and Universities Through Social Identity Theory. Journal of International Students, 11(2), 514-518. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v11i2.2741