Geographies and Cultures of International Student Experiences in Higher Education

Shared Perspectives Between Students from Different Countries


  • Adriana Perez-Encinas Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



cultural approaches, geographies of international student flow, international student mobility, mobility experiences, probabilistic topic model


Updated research is required on the geographies of the cultural issues that shape international students’ experiences. The growing number of students traveling to different countries implies a need to cater to cultures and values from different parts of the world. Apart from cultural and geographical aspects, there is scarce knowledge about similarities between students’ experiences abroad that takes into account their countries of origin (and, to some extent, their cultures) within those mobility flows. Using a probabilistic topic model on 59,662 international student reports from 167 countries on their mobility experiences, we examine links between the students’ experiences and their countries of origin. The results show that the geographical features of the reports are connected not only to cultural issues, but also to other factors that might affect their international experience.

Author Biographies

  • Adriana Perez-Encinas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    ADRIANA PEREZ-ENCINAS, PhD, is a lecturer and researcher in business organizations and the internationalization of higher education at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in Spain. She is a trainer for the EAIE Spring Academies. Since 2005 she has volunteered for the Erasmus Student Network, serving variously as national representative, president of the UAM chapter, project coordinator and research member. She has recently been appointed as an evaluator for Spain’s Erasmus+ National Agency.

  • Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    JESUS RODRIGUEZ-POMEDA, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Business Organization at Autonomous University of Madrid. His current research interests are related to leadership, management, strategy and organization within Higher Education Institutions. Actually, he serves as Vice-rector for Strategy and Planning at Autonomous University of Madrid.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Perez-Encinas, A., & Rodriguez-Pomeda, J. (2019). Geographies and Cultures of International Student Experiences in Higher Education: Shared Perspectives Between Students from Different Countries. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 412-431.