Problematic Areas of Host University Support Services for Short-Term Mobility Students


  • Adriana Perez-Encinas The Autonomous University of Madrid & Research Institute on Higher Education and Science (INAECU), Spain
  • Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda The Autonomous University of Madrid & Research Institute on Higher Education and Science (INAECU), Spain
  • Mikuláš Josek Czech University of Life Sciences- Prague, Czech Republic



ESNsurvey, host university support services, international students, LDA


The growing numbers of mobile students over the years made the provision of student services a key topic of interest for higher education institutions. In order to offer a better experience for international students, it is important to be aware of and assess their needs in relation to different sets of support services. The data used in this paper were gathered through the ESNsurvey 2016 project, a research venture focused on the experiences of participants in short-term student mobility in Europe. Responses were collected from 12,365 international students, who have participated in a short-term (3-12 months) study period abroad mostly through Europe’s most promoted mobility program called ERASMUS+. For the purpose of this paper, the focus was only on the aspect of host university support services. The comments of 2,012 students about their experiences were analyzed using a probabilistic methodology known as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). 

Author Biographies

  • Adriana Perez-Encinas, The Autonomous University of Madrid & Research Institute on Higher Education and Science (INAECU), Spain

    ADRIANA PEREZ-ENCINAS, PhD, is a lecturer and researcher in business organizations and the internationalization of higher education at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in Spain. She is a trainer for the EAIE Spring Academies. Since 2005 she has volunteered for the Erasmus Student Network, serving in various roles as national representative, president of the UAM chapter, project coordinator, and research member. She has recently been appointed as an evaluator for Spain’s Erasmus+ National Agency. 

  • Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda, The Autonomous University of Madrid & Research Institute on Higher Education and Science (INAECU), Spain

    JESUS RODRIGUEZ-POMEDA, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Business Organization at Autonomous University of Madrid. His current research interests are related to leadership, management, strategy, and organization within Higher Education Institutions. Additionally, he serves as Vice-rector for Strategy and Planning at Autonomous University of Madrid. 

  • Mikuláš Josek, Czech University of Life Sciences- Prague, Czech Republic

    MIKULAS JOSEK is a PhD candidate, researcher, and teaching assistant at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic). He was a volunteer of the Erasmus Student Network as a Research Coordinator of the ESNsurvey 2016 project. He now coordinates the project and works in the Erasmus+HE division of the Centre for International Cooperation in Education in Prague, CZ.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Perez-Encinas, A., Rodriguez-Pomeda, J., & Josek, M. (2017). Problematic Areas of Host University Support Services for Short-Term Mobility Students. Journal of International Students, 7(4), 1030-1047.