“Education Abroad” for International Student Advisors: What is the impact on their professional development?


  • Wei Liu




China, Canada, education abroad, international student advisors, professional development


It is generally agreed that participating in study abroad programs, even short term, has positive impacts on students. But what would be the impact of an “education abroad” opportunity for staff members in international education? Reported in this paper is a 3-month long professional development program in a Canadian university for 52 international student advisors from 51 different Chinese institutions. Based on data from a survey and their comparative research reports, the study aims to glean the impacts of such an education abroad opportunity for international education professionals after their exposure to a different national context and different practices in international education. Findings of this study show that international comparison can serve as an effective approach to the professional development of international education professionals which enhances their historical, contextual and cultural understanding of their own work.

Author Biography

  • Wei Liu

    WEI LIU obtained his PhD in Education from Beijing Normal University, and he was the Myer Horowitz Postdoctoral Fellow (2011–2012) in Teacher Education and Professional Development at the University of Alberta. Currently he is working at the University of Alberta International, managing the Global Academic Leadership Development (GALD) Program, a professional development program for university administrators from a cross-cultural perspective. His research interests are in Foreign Language Education and International Education, and his recent publications have appeared in English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Educational Action Research, Journal of Studies in International Education, Canadian Journal of Higher Education, and Language Policy


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Liu, W. (2019). “Education Abroad” for International Student Advisors: What is the impact on their professional development?. Journal of International Students, 9(1), 306-319. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v9i1.258