Learning Styles: A Comparison Between Indian And German Business Students


  • Tushar Bhatnagar SCMHRD Pune, India
  • Vinita Sinha SCMHRD Pune, India




learning styles, German, Indian, business, students


Every individual is characterized by a learning style which an individual develops over a course of time. The learning style may be shaped by different cultural environment. This study aims to find and compare the learning style of Indian and German business students by examining the learning styles of 81 students from India and Germany. The study uses Learning Style Questionnaire introduced by Honey and Mumford. The findings suggest that there is significant difference in the learning style of Indian and German students. Indian students are found to be observed to reflect, analyze and theorize whereas German students are more oriented towards practical application of theory followed by reflection and analysis. Findings have also been thoroughly discussed in terms of the geographical constructs.

Author Biographies

  • Tushar Bhatnagar, SCMHRD Pune, India

    TUSHAR BHATNAGAR, pursued Master of Business Administration (MBA), at Symbiosis Centre for Management & Human Resource Development (SCMHRD) Pune (2015-17). 

  • Vinita Sinha, SCMHRD Pune, India

    VINITA SINHA, PHD, is an Associate Professor at SCMHRD Pune. 




How to Cite

Bhatnagar, T., & Sinha, V. (2018). Learning Styles: A Comparison Between Indian And German Business Students. Journal of International Students, 8(1), 473–487. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v8i1.175