A European Perspective in Academic Mobility

A Case of Erasmus Program


  • Fatma Mizikaci Ankara University
  • Zülal Ugur Arslan Ankara University




academic mobility, European higher education, global higher education, international students, Erasmus program


ERASMUS is a mobility program that provides its participants with experiences in their fields of study and work by presenting them global trends. It promotes the academic, professional and individual development of the participants while contributing to the extension of the worldwide work market. This study aims to explore the impact of the Erasmus Program from the perspectives of Turkish students. Twelve Erasmus students in different fields of study at three universities in Ankara were interviewed. Findings were analyzed into the themes of individual, professional and academic development, future of careers and global work market development. It is concluded that Erasmus has an impact on not only individuals but also on the worldwide labor market with its enlarging scope and comprehensive strategies as well as its challenges by rapid developments in the demands and needs of the new era.

Author Biographies

  • Fatma Mizikaci, Ankara University

    FATMA MIZIKACI, PhD, is associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Educational Sciences at Ankara University, Turkey. She is specialized in higher education systems, policies, Curriculum, and Instruction. Her published works include books and journal articles on curriculum, privatization, accreditation, and discourse in higher education, higher education systems and policies in Turkey, Central Asia, Europe, and the United States. She teaches curriculum theory, ideology and philosophy of curriculum and qualitative research in curriculum at undergraduate and graduate levels. She was a visiting scholar at UNESCO CEPES in 2005 where she published UNESCO book Higher Education in Turkey. In 2016, Dr. MIZIKACI was a visiting scholar at Chapman University, CA and worked with Peter McLaren in a project on Critical Discourse Analysis in Higher Education. She is also the co-editor of A Language of Freedom and Teacher’s Authority: Case Comparisons from Turkey and the United States (2017).

  • Zülal Ugur Arslan, Ankara University

    ZÜLAL UĞUR ARSLAN, is research assistant in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Educational Sciences at Ankara University, Turkey. She received the bachelor degree in the field of Elementary Mathematics Education and also in the field of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education as a double major in 2011, at Osmangazi University and received MA in Curriculum Development in 2015, at Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences. She has been doing her doctorate studies in the same institution since 2015. Her research interests include international examinations (TIMSS), comparative curriculum studies, mathematics education, teaching expertise and student mobility. Email:


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How to Cite

Mizikaci, F., & Arslan, Z. U. (2019). A European Perspective in Academic Mobility: A Case of Erasmus Program. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 705-726. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v9i2.1138