Filipino University Students’ Attitude Toward Sexual Minorities

Implications for International Students in Transition




higher education, international students, Phillipines, sexual minorities, transition


Whether or not sexual minorities in the Philippines higher education system are socially acceptable is not clear. This article specifically investigates the acceptance of gay and lesbian university students in the Philippines and implications for international gay or lesbian students’ sociocultural transition. We sampled opinions of both local and international students in all the academic departments of a private university in the province of Cavite. The participants were selected using a proportionate stratified convenience sampling technique according to which they were grouped by academic department and chosen based on their availability, proximity, and convenience. We administered surveys to 368 registered students in 2011. Of the 368 questionnaires distributed, 358 responses were received, which constitutes a 97.3% response rate. Using transition theory, the article argues that the attitude toward sexual orientation had some negative implications for gay and lesbian international students transitioning into the sociocultural environment of the Philippines.

Author Biography

  • Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo, University of Pretoria, South Africa

    KOLAWOLE SAMUEL ADEYEMO, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the Department of Education Management and Policy Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa. He holds a PhD in Educational Management from the Cavite State University, Philippines and did his postdoc at the University of Pretoria.


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Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

Adeyemo, K. S. (2020). Filipino University Students’ Attitude Toward Sexual Minorities: Implications for International Students in Transition. Journal of International Students, 10(1), 203-219.