Acculturative Stress and Adjustment Experiences of Greek International Students


  • Mixalis Poulakis University of Indianapolis, United States
  • Craig A. Dike University of Indianapolis, United States
  • Amber C. Massa University of Indianapolis, United States



international student, greek, acculturation, adjustment, acculturative stress


This study investigated eight Greek international college students’ experiences of acculturation and acculturative stress at a mid-western university in the United States. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants and Consensual Qualitative Research methodology was utilized for data analysis to identify contextual themes and domains expressed by participants. Seven domains relevant to extant literature were revealed: presojourn perceptions of the United States; postsojourn perceptions of the United States; acculturative stress problems in the United States; coping strategies for acculturative stress problems; peer and family networks: English language usage and difficulties; and cultural concerns regarding the United States or native country. Implications, areas for future research, and the study’s limitations are also discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Mixalis Poulakis, University of Indianapolis, United States

    MIXALIS POUALKIS, PsyD, received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Indianapolis. He currently is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Indianapolis. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses and his research focuses on issues of multiculturalism and diversity. 

  • Craig A. Dike, University of Indianapolis, United States

    CRAIG A. DIKE, PsyD, received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Indianapolis. He currently works for the South Texas Veterans Healthcare System in San Antonio, Texas. 

  • Amber C. Massa, University of Indianapolis, United States

    AMBER MASSA, B.A., is a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Indianapolis. Her research and clinical interests include behavioral medicine and healthy psychology, LGBT issues, multicultural issues, and psychological testing. .






Research Articles (English)


How to Cite

Poulakis, M., Dike, C. A., & Massa, A. C. (2017). Acculturative Stress and Adjustment Experiences of Greek International Students. Journal of International Students, 7(2), 204-228.