Distance Education Satisfaction During COVID-19

Engineering Students' Opinion According to the Six Thinking Hats Technique


  • Ahmed Elmabaredy Suez University
  • Nurgun Gencel Ministry of National Education, Bartin, Turkey
  • Nuriye Semerci Bartin University, Department of Educational Sciences, Bartin, Turkey


Distance Education, Covid-19, Faculty of Engineering, Six Thinking Hats


This study aimed to investigate the distance education satisfaction during COVID-19 Pandemic from engineering students' opinion according to the six thinking hats technique. The study sample consists of 209 students from the faculties of engineering in Turkey. A qualitative analysis was performed using the Nvivo12 software upon taking opinions with a questionnaire administered in the online environment. Considering the prominent themes in the six hats, students feel incompetent for their future career; exams are not conducted fairly in distance education; yet students have had the opportunity to improve themselves during this period. Furthermore, while proposing suggestions on the improvement of distance education, students also drew negative conclusions regarding the distance education delivered during the pandemic. With this study, a multidimensional investigation of the distance education received by students from the faculty of engineering in a situation such as a pandemic has been carried out.


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Author Biographies

  • Ahmed Elmabaredy, Suez University

    Nurgun Gencel, PhD, is a teacher in the ministry of National education, Bartin, Turkey. Her major research interests lie in the area of higher education research, educational technology, media and digital technologies.  Email: nurgungencel@gmail.com

  • Nurgun Gencel, Ministry of National Education, Bartin, Turkey

    Ahmed Elmabaredy, PhD, is a lecturer in the faculty of education, department of educational technology, Suez University, Egypt.  He is major research interests lie in the area of mobile technologies in education, higher education research and educational technology.  Email: ahmed.elmabaredy@suezuniv.edu.eg

  • Nuriye Semerci, Bartin University, Department of Educational Sciences, Bartin, Turkey

    Nuriye Semerci, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the department of educational sciences, Bartin University, Bartin, Turkey. Her major research interests lie in the area of higher education research, educational technology, media and digital technologies.  Email: nsemerci@bartin.edu.tr


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How to Cite

Distance Education Satisfaction During COVID-19 : Engineering Students’ Opinion According to the Six Thinking Hats Technique. (2023). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 12(2), 220-242. https://ojed.org/jise/article/view/5500