Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Submissions should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA PDF), 7th Edition, including title page (without author names), abstract, keywords, in-text citations, pagination, headings, tables, figures, and reference list. Title page, references, tables, and figures are not included in the word count.

Authors are encouraged to review current issues of the journal for examples of published articles, as well as the journal's Aims & Scope. Authors are encouraged to review the criteria used to evaluate manuscripts in our double-blind peer-review process.

The following information will guide authors as they make a submission in the online system. CRediT statements should be provided during the submission process and will appear above the acknowledgment section of the published paper as shown here.

Manuscript Types

  • Research Article (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods)
  • Research in Brief (based on empirical research)

In forthcoming editions, our publication exclusively features empirical articles, thereby excluding submissions such as book reviews, brief reflective essays, or papers solely reliant on literature reviews or personal opinions.

Research Articles

Research Articles (4,500-7,000 words) focus on quantitative and qualitative (or mixed methods) empirical research that marks a new and demonstratively significant advancement in research related to the aims and scope of the journal.


Copyright. Agree to the journal's copyright license.

Upload Submission

Manuscript. Upload a blind Manuscript as one document (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) that includes a title page (without author names), abstract, main article text, and reference list. Documents must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and use 12-point Times New Roman font. Remove author(s) names, affiliation, country, and bio information, and remove all identifying information from the document

Tables and Figures. Upload tables as one document (.doc, .docx, or .rtf), if applicable. Upload figures as individual JPG or PNG files (300 dpi resolution). 

Enter Metadata

Title, Abstract, & Author Information. Enter title, 100-150 word abstract, and author(s) information, including name, institution/affiliation, country, and a short bio statement that describes the author(s) research interests. Indicate which author will handle correspondence.

Keywords & Subject Terms. Provide five to eight keywords for the submission. The authors are also encouraged to include at least one Subject Term from the ERIC Thesaurus.  

References. Cut-and-paste all references listed in the Reference List in main document to the References textbox. References must be cited in APA style, alphabetically by author and date. All references listed in the References list must appear in text, and all references cited in the text must appear in the References list.


Click “Finish Submission”. Authors will receive an email confirmation with a Submission Acknowledgement message and link to track the submission during the review process.

Pre-Submission Language Editing for Scholarly Manuscripts

The use of language editing services prior to submission may be valuable for some authors. If authors wish to hire a professional editor prior to submission, the journal has an arrangement with Taryn Aldrich, a member of the ACES Society for Editing who specializes in language editing for scholarly manuscripts. Authors may email their pre-submission manuscript to Taryn at and mention their plans to submit to the Journal for a discount on editing services. The use of pre-submission language editing services is optional, and the journal follows a double-blind peer review process