About the Journal

Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (Online ISSN 2690-0408, Print ISSN 2166-2681) emerges as a pivotal platform for scholars keen on shaping the educational landscape through groundbreaking research. JISE stands at the forefront of educational exploration, bridging diverse disciplines and content areas to address critical issues in education. The journal, published bi-annually, invites both national and international scholars to contribute their insights. It employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process overseen by an esteemed national and international editorial board, ensuring the publication of high-caliber articles.

Among the topics that the Journal focuses on are:

Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Pedagogical Strategies
Sustainable Practices and Environmental Education
Neurodiversity and Inclusive Learning Models
Technological Innovations in Distance Learning
Educational Impacts of Global Health Challenges
Civic Engagement and Education in Democracies
Intersections of Culture and Language in Learning
Digital Ethics and Cybersecurity in Education
Entrepreneurship and Business Education Synergies
Arts and Sciences Collaboration in Curriculum Development
Urban Education and Societal Development
Gender Studies and Educational Equity
Mental Health Awareness in Academic Environments
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Special Education
Media Literacy and Information Dissemination in Education
Legal Studies and Educational Policy Formation
Agricultural Education and Food Security
Sports Science Integration in Educational Programs
Interplay of Economics and Educational Outcomes
Space Sciences and Their Educational Applications

Published bi-annually, the journal encourages submission of manuscripts by US and international scholars that use quantitative or qualitative methods. Articles combine disciplinary methods with critical insights to investigate interdisciplinary issues shaping national, state, and global educational contexts. Submissions are considered through a double-blind review process.

From 2024 editions, our publication exclusively features empirical articles, excluding submissions such as book reviews, brief reflective essays, or papers solely reliant on literature reviews or personal opinions.

Check our Editorial Board Open Positions

The journal is listed/indexed with Scopus, ProQuestEBSCOHost, and Cabell’s Directory of Journals.

Publish With Us

JISE is targeted at publishing the most influential research on interdisciplinary research in the field of educatuon :

  • High ranking: Rigorous peer review of your research in a top-ranked journal in international education and higher education.
  • Worldwide representation: More than 300 scholars based in 45+ countries have submitted and published articles in the journal. More than half of our articles include authors from Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and South America.
  • 'Online first' publishing: We aim to provide initial decisions within 90 days from new manuscript submission and publish accepted manuscripts in 'Online First' format within 30 days after acceptance.
  • Global exposure: The combination of ranking, open-access, and indexing in all major academic databases increases the discoverability and citation of your work.

JISE supports open access. There are no fees to individual authors, and authors can self-archive their work. Reproduction, posting, transmission, or other distribution or use of the article or any material therein, in any medium as permitted by a personal-use exemption or by written agreement of the journal, requires credit to JISE as the copyright holder.

This academic journal is a Scopus-indexed Open Access publication thanks to the generous institutional sponsorship of Arkansas State University.